本 科 畢 業(yè) 論 文
(英文):On the Translation of Euphemisms in English Economic News from the Perspective of
Functional Equivalence
學(xué) 院 外國語學(xué)院
年級專業(yè) 08級英語D 班
On the Translation of Euphemisms in English Economic News from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence
A Thesis Submitted in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Bachelor Degree of Arts
I would like to e*press my appreciation to all the people who have given their generous kindness to the accomplishment of this thesis.
Particularly, I want to take this opportunity to e*press my gratitude to my director, Associate Professor Liu Zhenqing, who offered me numerous suggestions and references in the searching of materials and revising the thesis. Without his guidance and enlightenment, my graduation dissertation would not be completed in time.
Euphemism is a kind of “l(fā)ubricant” for language, and it helps to improve communication through e*pressing undemonstratively, objectively, precisely and politely. To some e*tent, the function of euphemisms in economic news is irreplaceable, because economy covers all aspects of social life and economic interaction is one of the most important parts of international communication, which make the language of economic news has the characteristic of high
Economic News
3.1 Euphemisms in International Community…………………………….5
3.2 Euphemisms for Less Well-off Social Member………………………...5
3.3 Obscure Euphemisms…………………………………………………...6
4. Translation of Euphemisms in English Economic News
4.1 Literal Translation…………………………………………………….….8
4.2 Free Translation…………………………………………………………..9
4.3 Integrated Translation………………………...………………………..11
5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………14
1. Introduction
Globalization has been defined by American scholar Held as, “the widening, deepening, and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life.” That is to say all aspects of social life in the countries are involved in the trend of interconnectedness. Among all aspects, economy is obvious the most important one. With the globalization of economy, the e*change of trade,tourism, finance and labor, and etc. is increasing. Economy is an essential issue to every country, and they all try their best to develop it. And economic information takes up the most important part in the development of economic globalization. Joining global market can offer them better opportunity and a larger stage for their national development, which is a chance that no country wants to give up. However, it is difficult for people from different culture or different language-speaking areas to communicate effectively if there is no commercial way of accessible communication. Therefore, translation is eagerly needed. The translation quality of foreign economic news may have the power of judging whether this country will win or lose in the stage of international economy. What’s more, domestic economic life connects every part of citizen’s life deeply. And most people regard economic news as their only way to know about the condition of national economy. And because of the complication of international issues and social life, the language used in economic news is of high level of sensitiveness. As “l(fā)ubricant” of language, euphemism contains the ability of reducing the friction of language, making it gentler, and easily to be accepted; besides, introducing euphemisms can also make the essays more vividly and interesting. Therefore, the use of euphemism in economic news is a necessity.
Following the progressing of economy, the euphemisms applied in economic news are increasing. Euphemism has a great impact on making the information carried by the news speaks itself clearly and effectively. English is becoming a global language, and to come up with the latest economic tendency, we have to keep an eye on how to translate English economic news into Chinese, which is a large topic and has been studied by many scholars. But the study of euphemism translation in English economic news is not thoroughly studied. This thesis is going to take a look at this area under the guidance of functional equivalence, according to which the response of translated te*t receptor should be the same or nearly the same with the receptor of the original te*t. And how to achieve this goal is the question discussed in this article.
2. Theoretical Framework
No translation script can be reached without an appropriate theory to be based on. And English economic news translation is not an e*ception. As for this, the theory of functional equivalence being used should be e*plained first, for it is the guiding theory of this thesis.
2.1 Eugene. A. Nida and His Functional Equivalence
Eugene Nida is one of the most important translation theorists in America. He has been adopted himself in the field of translation for more than 50 years, and have published over 40 books and 250 articles, gaining great accomplishments in the field of translation theory. He sets up functional equivalence, which is a milestone in the area of translation.
Nida’s translation theory has a special position in China. It was introduced in China from early 1980s, becoming one of the earliest and the most influential translation theories of western countries introduced in China. His theory has brought fresh air in translation field in China, for it broke traditional opinion like Yan Fu’s three principles i.e. faithfulness, e*pressiveness, and elegance; announced a new concept of translation “the older focus in translating was the form of the message, and the translator takes particular delight in being able to reproduce stylistic specialties, e.g., rhythms, rhymes, plays on words, chiasmus, parallelism, and unusual grammatical structures. The new focus, however, has shifted from the form of t ……(未完,全文共33650字,當前僅顯示6052字,請閱讀下面提示信息。